[Living Water]

Try for $1.00

About Us

Antioxidant rich





Living water


Why Electric?

A pacemaker provides an electrical charge to stimulate the heart when needed. A lightning bolt charges the hot springs of Italy. A charger sends electrical current to our technology. Earth gives our bare feet electrons. Why wouldn’t our tissues – which are 80-94%+ water – need electric water to recharge on a cellular level?

What is Living Water?

Living Water is structured and micro-clustered to provide easy absorption into the cells of the body. Drinking Living Water is the next step in transforming your health on a cellular level. Kangen machines alkalize the water right from your tap producing living water and 7 pH levels for different uses. This machine is the only water ionizer that is certified medical-grade, and last up to 30+ years. 

To learn what makes this magic water magical, watch this short video of Liquid Gold (pun intended):


Ready to Dive Deeper?

Click “contact us” to receive information straight to your email and set up an optional Zoom call to dive deeper.


Ready to Dive IN?

Scan the QR code to purchase your machine now with a 30-day refund policy.

Say goodbye to plastics, chemicals, and acidity in not only your drinking water,

but also your home.


Don’t take our word for it….

Listen to thousands of video testimonies on how the water has helped bring the body back to a state of optimal homeostasis.

Turn curiosity into exploration. . .

1 week of water for $1

Water pickup/delivery available from: 8am–8:30pm, Monday through Saturday

Water pickup available in: [KCMO] and [Overland Park]

Email: [ rippledvibrations@gmail.com ]

Follow us: [ @rippled_vibrations ]

Prefer face2face connection?: [ Zoom ]